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The Case Room

The case room is now a sorely-lamented part of newspaper legend. It was where the stroppy printers made up the pages using slugs of hot metal and where stories were cut and trimmed by the sub editors to fit. It was an exciting and frenetic place – where time and tempers were short and headlines and stories too long. Kenny Kemp’s early journalistic life involved work in the case rooms of The Scotsman, the Scotland and Sunday and the London Evening Standard, where he worked on the very last day of the hot metal process on Fleet Street - that was a truly historic moment.


But the case room here will be used to show you some of Kenny’s written work over many years.

Sunday Herald: Business - Our shrinking nest eggs


Sunday Herald: Business - Lost lines


Business Quarter - A Renaissance Man: The making of a golfing fairytale


Business Quarter - WEST Brewery


Strathclyde University - As I remember it

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